本科学的行政管理和汉语言文学,毕业后,一直潜心在音乐行业探索,从唱片企划转型到A&R,也做过平面设计和营销的工作。经历过唱片辉煌的末期,也见证了最低谷的岁月,一直到现在开始复苏回暖。很多人喜欢问我,是不是唱片不行了。可是我们并不是唱片行业,我们的行业是music industry。无论它的载体和形式是磁带还是CD,乃至数字流,音乐永远是被人们所需要和为世界产生价值的。
曾任华纳音乐中国Warner Music China A&R总监Director
伦敦艺术大学UAL圣马丁学院CSM硕士MA Distinction毕业生
Ms Wang has been working in the pop music industry since 2005. She is mainly focusing on the area of A&R, artist and repertoire, which aims to discover talented artists and produce the creative content of the industry.
Her working experiences which are including seven years in EMI and four years in Taihe music group. She was acting as A&R Director of Warner Music China.